Sept. 26
2:47 a.m., Living
And Learning
Unwanted Person
An uninvited individual was reported in the residence. Both parties were advised to have no further contact. Judicial complaints were filed.
6:05 p.m., Summit
Alcohol Violation
Police officers were on foot patrol noticed several individuals carrying alcohol. Individuals were identified and the alcohol was confiscated.
9:23 p.m., Laurel
Controlled substance laws were violated at a reported party. Investigation was conducted and a small amount of marijuana was found. Citation and judicial complaints were filed.
10:05 p.m.,
Buckhorn Lodge
Sex Offense
Possible inappropriate conduct between a student and nonstudent was reported. Investigation continuing.
11:38 p.m., Briar
Intoxicated Person
A report was made of an alcohol violation. Individual was identified and released to a friend for the rest of the night. A judicial complaint was filed.
Sept. 27
1:30 p.m.,
Larkspur Lodge
Criminal Mischief
An individual reported several personal items being destroyed by another resident. Investigation was conducted and a judicial complaint was filed.
4:20 p.m.,
A loud gathering was reported. Officers advised those gathered to keep noise down and confiscated alcohol.
Sept. 28
12:48 a.m., Biddle
Two males assaulted each other. Judicial complaints were filed.
11:28 p.m.,
Larkspur Lodge
Animal Complaint
A bat outside the residence was reported. Grounds crew removed the bat.
Sept. 29
10:30 p.m., Oak
Fire Alarm
A burning dishrag set off alarm. Someone accidently bumped a burner and a rag was found in a sink.