Nov. 14
1:20 a.m., Laurel Hall
Noise Complaint
Police received a report of loud noises. Officers spoke to residents and found marijuana in a residence. Police confiscated the drug and filed judicial complaints.
8:55 a.m., Student Union
Flags from 17 countries were stolen from the Cambria Room.
11:35 a.m., Hickory Hall
Attempt to Locate
A mother was unable to contact her son. Police located and advised him to call home.
Nov. 15
4:10, Krebs Hall
Several computer accessories in a classroom were stolen.
8:36 p.m., Hickory Hall
Odor Investigation
Police officers received a report of marijuana odor, but were unable to locate the source.
10:12 p.m., Foxfire Lodge
Check on Welfare
A mother was unable to locate her daughter. Police located the daughter and advised her to call home.
Nov. 16
11:43 p.m., Laurel Hall
Fire Alarm
A fire alarm was activated by burning popcorn.
Nov. 17
11:45 a.m., Lower Townhouse Parking Lot
Criminal Mischief
An individual reported that his vehicle was hit while parked on campus.
Nov. 18
12:22 a.m., Foxfire Lodge
Disorderly Conduct
Police received a report of two intoxicated people. Both were non-students and police officers released them to their friends.
Nov. 21
2:06 p.m., University Square
A tree was stolen from the University Square area.
Nov, 26
11:03 p.m., Hickory Hall
Odor Investigation
Police officers received a report of marijuana odor, but were unable to locate the source.