Timing off for construction

Callie Burgan

We think construction on campus could be handled in a more efficient manner. 

Campus renovations, such as repaving the entrance to The Living/Learning Center, are typically a positive change that deserve praise. 

However, it does not make sense to have renovations scheduled at the same time as the beginning of fall semester classes. 

It is clear that there is either a timing or communication mistake occuring between construction workers and staff that is causing the disruption. 

As a result of the lack of communication, students and faculty are not able to efficiently access buildings on campus, such as The Living/Learning Center and Owen Library. 

Large-scale projects should be scheduled for a time when the least number of people are on campus, such as during the summer months. 

The Student Union’s Cambria Room was repainted this summer, which was a job that could have been done over winter break. 

It would make the most sense to tackle indoor projects, such as the Cambria Room paint job, in the winter months when the weather may be too cold for outdoor work. 

It would also boost first impressions for incoming students and their families when making the decision on where to continue their education. 

During the Cambria Room’s paint job, Academic Planning Days were hosted there this summer, which may not have left the best impression on visiting students and their families.  

College students have responsibilities to focus on outside of stepping around construction cones and tape in order to get where they need to be. 

We think that stronger communication between construction workers and academic staff could provide a warmer welcome to students as they enter campus for the fall semester. 

That way, renovations can be completed efficiently, and students will not have to worry about avoiding certain areas when walking the campus grounds on their way to class. 

We commend staff members for putting effort toward campus renovations, but a better structured and well-thought construction process would be appreciated.