There is a better way to brand

While increasing Pitt-Johnstown’s identity in the Student Union would be ideal for the campus’ image, it would do nothing for its students.

We are all for school spirit; however, spending a couple thousand dollars to rebrand should be better planned.

Pitt-Johnstown should have its own identity instead of imitating another university’s ideas.

How are Pitt-Johnstown’s students and faculty supposed to have an increased amount of campus pride, if Pitt-Johnstown is committed to copy Ohio State University’s Student Union decortions?

We do not see a need to replace plain tiles for ones with paw prints to have pride in our Student Union.

We do not need color-schemed banners to remind us of where we are, like Ohio State.

If imitating Ohio State is the campus’ true intention, then Pitt-Johnstown should also rename its mascot from the “mountain cat” to the “copycat.”

Since the Student Union’s rebranding would be financed through the Student Affairs’ budget and discretionary funds, we sincerely hope that other ways to use that money were considered.

We understand that funds are restricted to what it can be used for.

Why not use the money to make plaques honoring the people whom Pitt-Johnstown has named a few of its other campus buildings after, instead?

Doing so would inform the campus about the lives of people like Walter Krebs and Theodore Biddle.

It would be money well spent, rather than reminding us where we are on campus with a big banner.

Maybe the Student Union should be named after someone.

Perhaps the union could be named after Lowell Shaffer, a 28-year Student Affairs director who did much to enroll Vietnam veterans in the 1970s.

That might bring an increase in campus pride.

We agree that the rebranding should be a campuswide effort.

We are also pleased to know that students are to be given an opportunity to present their own opinions and ideas for the future rebranding.

We hope that students’ ideas would do more than project the campus’ image, and do something that is actually beneficial.