Many students complain that there is never anything to do at Pitt-Johnstown. While the case may be that we don’t have as many events as larger universities, we still have organized things to do.
One issue, however, is introducing students in a timely way of planned events. This year the student government association members took that into consideration when planning the winter formal.
Last year’s formal had the same problem many Pitt-Johnstown events have, not enough student participation. With the tickets going on sale too late and the cost being $45, only about 40 students attended. Of the 40 who attended, student government members were the majority.
This year, however, the student government members were determined to get more participation. They went dorm-to-dorm with fliers for better advertising, and attempted to use Facebook for advertising.
The ticket sales were also held for two weeks to give students ample time to buy. They made booths and signs to draw people in.
With their work and dedication, they achieved their goal. This year, about 100 students attended the formal, with a majority being non-student government members.
We commend the student government association members for their efforts in proving that it is possible to get more student involvement.
Even though Pitt-Johnstown is a small campus, there are plenty events to partake in.
Planning and good advertising seems to be the key in getting more students involved.
On the other hand, event organizations complain about students not participating, but they need to look at what they are doing to attract the students.
The student government association members have shown that it takes weeks of planning, good organization and a boat load of advertising to lure in students.
Organizations leaders should look at what student government members have done and see that it is possible to gain participation with some planning and legwork.
What events are offered, however, must be considered. It makes no sense to exert efforts on events students have already shown that they will not attend.
Still, organizations cannot determine a baseline of student interest until they put the kind of effort exhibited in offering this year’s winter formal.