Simple things seem to always become strenuous and needlessly difficult on campus. Something as simple as laundry has become bizarrely laborious. The tip to get an available laundry machine, most students would tell you, is to stay up well past midnight or wake up before sunrise.
Though both viable options have big prices to pay — less sleep, for one — it comes with a big reward: the certainty that you will have clean clothes to wear in the coming week.
You would pride yourself over that, yes, especially if you live in the Living and Learning Center, where over eight machines are shared among more than 200 people. You would have beaten the system. Perhaps that is a reward itself.
It is quite detrimental when one or two machines break down since there are only fewer than six machines in most hall. Most machines are left waiting to be fixed for days with a haunting piece of paper taped onto them that say ‘Broken,” which often is written in black thin traces.
In last week’s story, “Laundry Woes Surface,” it was reported the laundry machines from the now closed College Park Apartments are to be moved into the North Lodges.
With most of the then-prospective residents of the College Park Apartments moved onto campus due to the shutdown, one could marvel at how long it took administrators to come to the decision to move the machines back almost five months later.
The solution is a simple one: the campus clearly does not have enough machines to sustain demands, and the need is dire. Purchasing more machines immediately is what is needed.
As one student in our story said, students pay more than enough to live on campus to avoid dealing with such fundamental living issues as having clean clothes.