The main goal of any representative organization should be to efficiently improve the lives of the governed. However, it may seem that they fall short.
However, it seems Pitt-Johnstown Student Government Association members are cultivating a way to meet their goals in an increasingly efficient and timely fashion.
By enacting a new process that allows individual senators to focus on a single campus improvement versus a collaborative effort required from many on an executive board, the student senate may be able operate more efficiently.
Students may have received their first glimpse of the new system’s effectiveness, with the removal of parking meters along Student Union Drive.
A requirement to continue to pay for parking via meters was discontinued last week as part of one student senator’s individual initiative.
With students already paying a considerable annual parking pass fee, it seems these few choice spots should be available for parking without an added charge.
Some spots are to retain a two-hour limit, and, hopefully, that limit will be enforced.
This change seems to be in the student body’s best interest and shows individually lead initiatives may be a more efficient way to speed campus improvement.
It seems at least some Pitt-Johnstown student senators take their role in the campus community seriously, and they should be applauded for their efforts in making student life better.
Although parking meter removal is only a single instance in which this new system has produced an improvement, it seems likely others will follow.
Pitt-Johnstown Student Government President Cliff Maloney alluded to several other projects, including a multipurpose field and shuttles to and from Richland Township restaurants and entertainment venues.
This innovative approach to making improvements may provide the campus with an accelerated way to achieve numerous benefits.
Student government members should be proud of what they are doing and should try their best to keep up the good work.