As a state-affiliated school, Pitt-Johnstown is not obligated to tell students where there tuition money goes.
Two weeks ago, we saw a chart of how our student activity fees are divided. It is interesting to see how the money is dispersed. And we get a sense of fulfillment to see that some of our money goes toward something from which we benefit.
But there are also Computing and Network Service Fees, Student Health Fees, Facility fees, Lab Fees and Parking and Registration Fees that have no accounting.
We don’t see what money from meal plans, room rates or tuition covers, let alone where fee proceeds go.
Granted, we are not a private school.
But, with the state budget cuts, there is some speculation about Pitt-Johnstown heading in that direction, which would mean Pitt-Johnstown wouldn’t have to announce where any of the money goes.
It is nice to see exactly how some of our money is being spent. But $166 is a small chunk of what we pay per year to attend Pitt-Johnstown. Tuition, for example, ranges between $5,868 and $7,517. What does that sum of thousands of dollars cover?
And what does the Computing and Network Service Fee that is $175 per term pay for? That’s a lot of ink and paper. Out-of-state students are even worse off. And international students pay upwards of $21,000 in tuition alone, usually for the reason that different majors are offered here.
When it comes to thousands of dollars, we deserve to know where it all goes.
Announcing where our money goes could influence someone’s decision of whether to attend Pitt-Johnstown or choices regarding residency and meal plans. But in the wake of the Penn-State scandals, state-affiliated schools might soon have to make their spending public information.
It seems only fair that we know exactly how our precious dollars are being spent.