To the Editor,
This is Christian Woo. As you probably already know, Alexis Prusick and I did not receive a majority of the popular vote, and will not be serving as the President and Vice President of the Student Government Association this upcoming school year. I would just like to take this time to personally congratulate Cliff Maloney Jr. and Marcus McGuire on being elected to a second term, as they did an excellent job serving the interests and needs of the student body and will continue to do so this coming year. They ran a very clean and honest campaign and did the best that they could, as did we.
With that being said, I personally want to thank everyone that supported us throughout the past few weeks, especially those who allowed us the privilege to speak to their respective organizations and those who voted. I speak on behalf of everyone that worked on our campaign when I say that we took so much from this experience. If Alexis and I are elected to serve as senators on the Student Government Association in the coming weeks, know that we will work alongside Cliff and Marcus in listening to the voices of the student body and make this campus the best place that it can possibly be. Again, thank you all for everything. God bless.
Christian Woo
Former Presidential Candidate for the Student Government Association