For many college students the word ‘pong’ tends to correlate to beer. But what about good old pingpong?
Some students still play table tennis and other nontraditional sports like pool and air hockey.
Occasionally, groups of students have their own tournaments.
They play in the Living/Learning Center and in The Zone in the Student Union.
However, The Zone has been somewhat messy lately. Pool balls and splintered cues have been strewn on the floor.
The vandalism can be chalked up to a few immature individuals.
But it is important to note that many students are respectful of the property and are just trying to get their games on.
Perhaps this is where somebody needs to step in.
Maybe the Student Senate could organize pingpong tournaments every week. Or Student Life could set up teams and tournaments for all of the off-beat sports.
This would give students an opportunity to thrive in their elements and perhaps provide a presence that could deter vandalism.
Simply encouraging people to use The Zone more could help students find a new hobby, maintain serving skills and keep the deviants out.
It would take time and effort for someone to organize an event like a monthly pingpong tournament or a competition on The Zone’s game machines.
But in the long run, organized tournaments could benefit everyone. Having these tournaments could turn the Game Zone into a place for many to hang out.
This is a chance to start an event that could become the equivalent to intramural sports while feeding some gamers’ passion.
It’s also a chance to serve up to stop to the vandalism.