It’s that time of year. We are approaching the home stretch of the fall semester. This is when grades can make or break a student.
But what if a student is unsure of a grade for a class?
The last possible day to withdraw from a class was Oct. 28. However, many students have just finished up with mid-term tests and papers.
Some students have yet to receive their grades on those assignments.
So there is no way for a student to know his or her grade in a class and no way of determining whether to drop a class – until it is too late.
A large part of the problem could be solved with some professor accountability.
Students should always have an idea of their grade in any class. In some classes, students can figure out their own grades by doing some simple math.
On the other hand, professors need to be mindful of the final withdrawal date.
Tests, papers, and other projects that carry substantial weight in the class should be returned promptly so students can make wise and informed decisions regarding their educational careers.
There are some professors who provide midterm grades or tell the class how they can calculate them.
It’s a relatively simple gesture that saves students time spent stressing over unknown grades.
This allows us to question why all professors cannot provide timely grades. Sometimes, it is understandable when a professor takes a few classes to grade and return a particularly large test or paper.
Also, many professors are involved in extracurricular organizations and activites that require much of their time. But there are not many excuses for delaying the return of Scantron tests.
Professors give time, effort and knowledge to teach a class, but deadlines should also apply to the scholars as much as they apply to students.
College provides life-changing experiences, but the bottom line is that students are here to get an education that will propel them into life.
Striving for good grades is a priority of many students.
The simplicity of providing grades for concerned students should not be a favor, but a obligation.