With the school year just kicking off, it is slightly surprising to see that the police blotter is already filled with nonstudents’ names.
In one sense, UPJ students can pat themselves on their backs for avoiding trouble (for the most part) thus far. On the other hand, one might question how it is that nonstudents are getting into trouble.
Students should know that Pitt-Johnstown prohibits overnight guests. Students who live in on-campus housing are not permitted to have overnight guests under any circumstances. Perhaps if that one rule was followed, we could eliminate much mischief.
Not only are overnight guests prohibited, but inviting guests to spend the night in one’s dorm room can be a rude and thoughtless gesture. The guest’s presence can make a roommate feel uncomfortable. The guest also may lack the sense to follow our campus’ rules.
These guests often come to UPJ to participate in parties.
Homecoming, or any recognized event or holiday usually becomes a reason to party. People drink for reasons like St. Patrick’s Day, a Pittsburgh Pirates win or a completed exam.
Others just drink because you can put the word “wasted” in front of the word “Wednesday.”
However, Pitt-Johnstown students who pay to attend school here and, consequently, for all of the events shouldn’t have to deal with nonstudents who cause problems.
It is annoying when we feel the repercussions of nonstudents’ actions such as pulled fire alarms or damaged furniture that we have to pay for.
Sometimes nonstudents bring more serious threats, like possessing a weapon, dealing drugs or committing sexual assault.
But there are students who invite responsible guests, so, there should be a more reasonable policy concerning them, especially on weekends.
Campus officials should know who is here – and why – since it is an issue that can potentially affect the safety and well-being of our students.
Pitt-Johnstown is a part of the Richland Township community, and there are no barriers that permit only enrolled students, faculty and staff to enter the campus.
However, students should use common sense when inviting someone to UPJ and put themselves in another person’s shoes. That would deserve a pat on the back.