New Guarded Risk Posture guidelines are put in place

Josalyn McMillan, News Editor

Pitt-Johnstown transitioned to the Guarded Risk Posture, due to the low infection rate on campus, on March 18.

In a video released to the students on March 16, Vice President of Student Affairs, Christian Stumpf urged students to remember the university’s health and safety guidelines, warning that “It is completely possible, if we see a surge of cases on our campus, the university may change our operating posture or impose a shelter in place.”

The university reiterates that all students, including those who have been vaccinated, must continue to follow the health and safety guidelines.

However, the move to Guarded Risk Posture comes with the possibility of organized student activities.

Director of Campus Activities and Engagement, Heather Hall, addressed registered student organizations in an email to inform them, “We are still operating with virtual meeting/event delivery of activities wherever possible. However, with ‘Guarded’ we are permitted to have some in-person student activities. Please request in-person activities through the Campus Services portal for activities that cannot be accomplished virtually, and I will review those space requests.”

Student organizations are required to request space at least five business days prior to allow time for Campus Activities and Engagement to process the request. If catering is being requested, students need to request at least ten days to two weeks in advance.

Events will also have a need for contact tracing, and the office for Campus Activities and Engagement will provide the QR code needed for the activity once it is registered.

Virtual and outdoor activities are currently being given priority as the school moves into the new posture, and indoor events cannot exceed the capacity for a space if proper distancing cannot be achieved.

Hall also reminded that, “Alcohol is not an option at any approved event at this time as all in-person functions must maintain proper face coverings and physical distancing.”

The guidelines for club sports remain as Pitt-Johnstown moves to Guarded Posture. Students may not play or practice with any contact and face coverings must always be worn. Those that have specific questions regarding their team can contact Hall directly at

Firepit Fridays are now being held at University Square in front of the Student Union. Student organizations are welcome to co-sponsor these events with Campus Activities and Engagement. The first of these will be held on Friday, April 2, weather permitting.

In an email to UPJ students, President of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Dr. Jem Spectar, reminded that the main health and safety guidelines on campus are as follows:

• Wear face coverings over your nose and mouth, both indoors and outdoors.

• Maintain a physical distance of 6 feet or more from others.

• Wash and sanitize your hands thoroughly and frequently.

• Minimize the number of close contacts outside of roommates, pods, and households.

Official COVID-19 guidelines for resident students can be found at:

These guidelines have been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh’s COVID-19 Medical Response Office and the Healthcare Advisory Group and adhere to CDC guidelines.