Some from Pitt-Johnstown march
Campus Ministry members Mary Kromka, Hannah LaBar and Eileen Schmidt (left to right) participated in the March for Life.
January 29, 2020
Pitt-Johnstown Catholic Campus Ministry members participated Friday in the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
According to minister LaDonna McCrary, members have been attending the march since the 2017.
“Having never been to the March for Life before our first trip with students in 2017, I wasn’t sure what to expect,” McCrary said.
“However, I can tell you that even though there was this mass of people in the streets and on the grass, it was one of the most peaceful and spiritual experiences that I have ever had.
“It’s hard to describe. The speakers are passionate and range from congressional men and women, to abortion survivors, students, pastors, authors, actors and actresses.”
Ministry members were able to witness a historical moment, as it was the first time a U.S. President attended the march to give a speech.
“It’s worth the trip just to hear the speakers, but to be able to march alongside such a diverse group of people from infants to seniors, all marching for the same cause, and to be able to bring a group of students from campus to participate in the experience firsthand is truly life-giving in itself.
“I encourage everyone to attend the March for Life at least once in your life, regardless of your stance or interpretation of the law.” McCrary said.
Catholic Campus Ministry President sophomore Hannah LaBar said she thinks the March for Life is different than other marches.
“I think it’s incredible that the March for Life is the only march celebrated where we march for those who can’t march themselves.
“We march for those who need us the most. It is an amazing experience no matter what your beliefs are.
“So many people come together from all over for a peaceful celebration empowering those who can’t speak for themselves.
“I think everyone needs to go at least once in their life.” LaBar said.
Freshman Sarah Farabaugh said that although she has been on the March for Life numerous times through her church,
each march remains meaningful to her.
“I am always amazed each year at the massive crowd of people who are all there for one single reason: we believe life is precious.” Farabaugh said.