Mental health programs are online
A bulletin board outside the Health and Counseling office entrance in the Student Union lists the services staff members provide. Therapy Assistance Online is a new online counseling service offered.
November 7, 2019
An online program has been established in which students can seek help for their mental health issues.
Therapy Assistance Online is a program that students can access through Campus Services when they are unable to see a counselor or feel uncomfortable talking to a counselor in person.
The program offers students resources to help them with their mental health issues, as well as offering activities to work through their anxiety, depression and other negative feelings they may have.
Promoting Awareness and Wellness for Students, an organization in which members try to destigmatize mental health issues, is a group that students can join or turn to if they feel overwhelmed, experience mental health issues firsthand or want to learn more about mental health.
Promoting Awareness and Wellness for Students President Susan Ma said mental health is important to understand because, unlike physical health, it can’t be seen.
“It is more or less something we need to understand and watch for warning signs on,” she said.
“For example, people with depression aren’t just sad, they are experiencing something more complicated.”
Ma said the organization’s meetings usually focus on educating students and providing them with a safe space to talk about issues they may be having.
She said Therapy Assistance Online has different services students can engage in that include their mental health, mood improvement and calming worries.
She said people are also able to watch videos informing them about depression and anxiety.
Student Affairs Vice President Chris Stumpf said in an Oct. 17 email that Therapy Assistance Online is a private resource that students can use on their own time.
“You can complete (Therapy Assistance Online) at your own pace,” he said.
“Whether that’s just one session a day or perhaps two whole modules; It’s entirely up to you.”
“It may be helpful to think of Therapy Assistance Online as a private online library of engaging, interactive programs to learn life skills and to help you bounce back from disappointments or stumbling blocks in life,” he said.
“As you watch videos and engage with our interactive components, you’ll gain the knowledge, self-awareness and skills you need to achieve your goals.”
Stumpf said each program in Therapy Assistance Online is different according to what a student wants to work on.
“Each treatment program in (Therapy Assistance Online) consists of six to seven highly engaging educational modules, including interactive activities to help you learn strategies and skills,” he said.