Dining changes, plans are announced
Sodexo Unit Marketing Coordinator Emily Cairns (left) and Dining Services Director Bob Knipple (right) arrange balloons next to a sign announcing the new café’s name, the Pitt Stop.
September 18, 2019
At a Sept. 9 student government meeting, Dining Services Director Bob Knipple announced changes to Pitt-Johnstown’s dining services.
The changes include expanded made-to-order entrees at Magellan’s in the Tuck Shop, changes to the Tuck Shop retail hours and expanded meal plan options.
A new café, which was named The Pitt Stop last Wednesday, was among the new changes made.
Sodexo General Manager Jim Butler said the decision for a café to be added to the Student Union was based on student feedback.
Butler said students wanted something similar to the Mountain Cat Café.
“We wanted to hear that message,” Butler said.
“It’s an alternative to regular retail.”
Butler had encouraged students to use the kiosks or speak with him or Knipple directly with any concerns.
“We’re monitoring the kiosks every day,” he said.
“We’re fortunate to have had a great response.”
Knipple said more students are also applying for work study programs through Sodexo, and that soon there possibly will be around 20 student employees working with Sodexo.
Knipple said new meal plan options were implemented this academic year.
Last year, students could purchase a meal plan that included five meal swipes and 500 dining dollars as the lowest meal plan option.
Other options included 125 meal swipes and 475 dining dollars, 150 meal swipes and 350 dining dollars and 200 meal swipes and 275 dining dollars.
However, this year, meals range from 55 meal swipes and 220 dining dollars to unlimited meal swipes and 150 dining dollars.
A new chef, Ben Fogtman, was hired in June, and Knipple said he has two chef’s table days per week, which are Mondays and Wednesdays.
An expanded Farm Fresh Program was also implemented, which Knipple said students can buy some leftover produce at the end of the day and take it back to their dorms.
“We ask any students with dining questions to let me or (Butler) know,” Knipple said.
“We want (students) to have the best experience possible.”