No election for student senate
April 12, 2017
Since too few students acted on their interest in student government, elections were not held for senate positions.
With fewer candidates running than the number of positions available, every candidate was guaranteed a position.
President Joe Evanko said one of the reasons that students may have not run was because of poor advertising.
“(Senatorial elections) were overshadowed by the presidential election.
“If we could go back and advertise more, I think mores students would have turned in petitions to run,” Evanko said.
Only 27 students turned in a petition to run. It appears that a large number of existing senators have turned in petitions again. Evanko on Friday said he could not confirm the proportion of petitions from existing senators.
The election would have been to fill 30 senatorial positions, with 10 to be held for the upcoming freshmen.
Evanko said an election was not necessary because there was not an excess number of students running.
However, Evanko said an election would have been nice to have.
“(Student government members) would be able to see how many students actually voted in the elections,” he said.
Senator Julia Adams decided to run again.
“I ran for re-election because I couldn’t see myself leaving that organization,” Adams said.
She said that student government is a way for her to help other students and the campus.
In order to fill the vacant seats, Evanko is to send out a campuswide email if a motion to decrease the student senator positions from 40 to 36 fails.
“If the motion passes, then (student government members) would have the needed positions filled,” Evanko said.