VP says his farewells

Senior Nick DiGiorgio (left) shakes Student Government Association President Kyle Maguire’s hand after stepping down as vice president.

Eden Cohen

Senior Nick DiGiorgio (left) shakes Student Government Association President Kyle Maguire’s hand after stepping down as vice president.

Victoria Grattan, Editor-in-Chief

At the Sept. 27 student government meeting, Vice President Nick DiGiorgio resigned.

“It is with a heavy heart that I submit to you my resignation,” he said.

“For reasons that are professional, academic and personal, I am relinquishing my title as vice president.”

DiGiorgio said he would not stay on as senator.

Afterward, DiGiorgio shook hands with President Kyle Maguire and left the meeting.

Maguire said that when he was able to work with DiGiorgio, they had tremendous success.

“We … worked with each other starting on the Campus Development Committee three years ago,” he said.

“(DiGiorgio) was a leader to begin with, but, in his last role as vice president, he was a role model to other senators and someone whom everyone could go to.”

Maguire said that he is not upset by DiGiorgio’s resignation.

“He was a positive, hard-working person,” he said.

DiGiorgio said that his proudest achievement was starting a student leadership scholarship that Maguire is now overseeing.

It is a $50,000 endowment for student government to perpetuate the scholarships every spring, DiGiorgio said.

Another notable accomplishment, according to DiGiorgio, is a brainstorming fair used to gather student input so that senators are engaging in action that betters their constituents.

He also helped to get the Student Union wireless printers, set up a coffee-mug fundraiser with Sodexo and established a proposal process that moved freshman parking from near Whalley Chapel to the Sports Center parking lot, he said.

DiGiorgio said that he has been a part of student government since his freshman year, serving as a senator, Campus Development Committee chair and parliamentarian.

DiGiorgio said he was also elected by his peers as the 2015 Senator of the Year.

“The organization was so much more to me than something to put on a resume,” he said.

“It was an organization that was full of people who selflessly dedicated their time to attempt to better the campus.”

DiGiorgio said that he has tremendous respect for student government members.

“I know firsthand the amount of time that is sacrificed; students who are not a part of the organization do not see the hours and hours a week student government members sacrifice to try and make change for their betterment.”

DiGiorgio said that the decision to resign was difficult, but it was time for him to move on.

Maguire nominated Parliamentarian Wyatt Deutsch to serve as vice president.

President Pro Tempore Madison Nick, Treasurer Joe Evanko and Senator Samuel Miller also were nominated.

Nick then requested a ballot vote instead of a roll call vote.

At the end of the meeting, Maguire tallied the votes audibly for transparency.

Evanko received four votes, Miller received nine votes and Nick received ten votes. Deutsch won the election, with 14 votes.

Deutsch said that he thought he would be nominated for vice president.

“All (of the other nominees) would have been great for the position, each one being very involved,” he said.

“I only beat President Pro Tempore Nick by four votes, so obviously many people thought she would fill the position well.”

Deutsch said that the feeling of being vice president hasn’t sunk in yet because he will not be officially sworn in until the  Oct. 4  meeting.

“I have a feeling that the next meeting will flow just like any other meeting for me; I can adapt to changes and challenges well,” he said.

Deutsch said that DiGiorgio left him with some projects that he was working on before his resignation, including parking solutions, security cameras and emergency text notifications, as well as expanding the campus shuttle route, improving bookstore prices and renovating the Zone, the Student Union arcade.

“So far this year, we’ve had sexual assault cases and break-ins, and I want to get the text notifications back because I know many students don’t know about these problems,” Deutsch said.

“I live at the (Commons Apartments) and had no clue about any of these crimes until I was at the Tuesday meeting.”

Deutsch said that he wants to explore additional security options for the campus.

“I want to discuss the possibility of putting a few cameras around campus for additional (safety).”