On a chance encounter or visit to the Student Life Office, some may notice the fresh, friendly face of Shaun Hemphill, the new Student Life assistant director.
After 42 applications, seven phone interviews and three in-person interviews, Student Life Director Sherri Rae recommended Hemphill to fill her previous position.
Hemphill said that his favorite thing about Pitt-Johnstown is the welcoming atmosphere, but said he is not fond of the weather.
“It’s worse than Chicago,” said Hemphill. “But I’m glad it’s been a light (winter) thus far.”
Hemphill said he has worked at other colleges, including the University of Hartford in Connecticut, from where he graduated.
Rae said that Hemphill was preferred because of his experience with Greeks and intercultural programs.
Hemphill also said that he enjoys hiking, painting and art festivals. He also wants to see more student philanthropy and grade improvement.