Students, faculty and staff who pull into the Biddle Hall parking lot are careful to swerve through the maze of potholes at the entrance and around a storm drain in the middle, unless they are confident in the strength of their tires.
These potholes seem to grow every day in depth and width.
Stephen Torquato, chairman of the student affairs and campus development committee, said that he was unaware of the growing potholes.
“I will begin working on and figuring out what can be done to alleviate the problem,” said Torquato.
Physical Plant Director Andy Csikos was unavailable for comment.
Biddle Hall parking lot also has a dip in the area nearest Blackington Hall that fills with water whenever it rains, forming a puddle that spans the road’s width.
These problems have gone unnoticed, while potholes were filled near the Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center two weeks ago.
Terry Keefer, PennDOT maintenance manager for Warren and Forest counties said potholes are formed with temperature fluctuation.
“With the thaw and fluctuating temperatures, this freeze-thaw effect can cause potholes to form virtually overnight,” said Keefer.
“The changing thermal conditions cause a rough ride on our area roads.”
A PennDOT website also says that salt can cause heavy wear and tear on roads.
“Road salt helps to melt ice and snow and this itself causes a problem because this newly melted water seeps into road cracks,” says the PennDOT website.
“When the water refreezes it expands and causes the cracks to enlarge. After this process has happened a few times, the result is a pothole.”