BINGO! has come back
November 16, 2016
With programming board changes, monthly bingo night was without a host.
Bringing back Bingo was taken as an issue to student government by newly appointed Parliamentarian Sam Miller during the Oct. 4 student government meeting.
“It is the job of (student government) to deliver what the students want. In this case, they wanted bingo,” Miller said.
Even though bingo night is back, some upperclassmen weren’t aware of the monthly event.
Junior Malina Keleman said she never heard of bingo night but is excited to try it out when a date is announced.
Freshman Allison Bailey said she is also excited for bingo nights to start.
“Bingo isn’t my favorite game, but I’ll give it a shot.”
According to Miller, Bingo Night will be held monthly with the date being announced the beginning of each month.
“Everyone can participate, and it is completely free, but everyone who plays has a chance of winning up to $150 of prizes.”
Student government adviser Shawn Brooks said he believes the event was co-sponsored with the Programming Board.
“It would then be Programming Board funds that pay for the prizes.”
During the student government meeting last Tuesday, Miller said he expected 40 students
For the Nov. 7 Bingo, however, 62 attended.
Miller also said he will ask for more prize money and more volunteers for the next night.
Student government members are to be sponsoring the monthly bingo night every time.
“It is one of the many ways (student government) reaches out into the student body and show that we (student government members) are listening.”
Bingo Night is to be held monthly at 7 p.m. in the Cambria Room.