Every year, hundreds of prospective students visit UPJ and many decide to pursue their education at Pitt-Johnstown.
Student Tour Guides and Admissions Representatives conduct one-hour campus tours for potential students each week.
The guides try to be knowledgeable about housing, majors and faculty along with providing information about parking and buildings.
The guides are volunteers. There are 20 to 40 guides each year.
Pitt-Johnstown Admissions Counselor Kelly Devett said that UPJ is searching for tour guides for fall. Interested students can obtain an application from any current guide or the Admissions Office personnel. Upon application completion, the student is to be interviewed.
New guides are to participate in a training session and could shadow a current guide on a campus tour.
UPJ junior Ashley Klobuka has been a tour guide for four semesters.
“I absolutely love being a tour guide. It allows me the opportunity to take pride in my university and to share the many benefits gained from pursuing higher education on our campus,” Klobuka said.
Pitt-Johnstown senior Shannon Valinsky has been a tour guide for four years.
“I enjoy meeting the families and helping the students gain a better perspective of college life at UPJ,” said Valinsky.
UPJ junior Emily McGaha has been a guide for three years.
“I love being a tour guide. I like to help the families get a view into the campus from a student’s point of view,” said McGaha.
UPJ offers weekday tours as well as open-house programs. Weekday tours usually have one or two students and their families. Large admissions programs may include as many as 25 students in a single group tour.
A campus tour includes visiting academic buildings, student housing and Owen Library. The Student Union and the Pasquerilla Center are also featured on a tour.
The Wellness Center is not included on a tour due to the location. However, visitors are invited to visit the center after their tour’s conclusion.
Campus tours begin and end in Blackington Hall.
Campus tours are offered throughout the year. There are four tours per day during the school year. During the summer there are only two tours per day.